Everything You Need to Know About Surrogacy in Russia

With all the high quality medical support, followed by reasonably priced surrogacy plans, Russia is slowly becoming the most favorable surrogacy hub for International couples. Still the Russian surrogacy law only permits straight couples and single women to seek after surrogacy inside the country.

Hence we can say that rules here are quite different than surrogacy process in Russia. Additionally, these couples further needs to justify their incapability to conceive a child via natural means.

Surrogacy laws in Russia

Surrogacy stays as legal in Russia according to the rulings given in Federal law On Basics of Health Protection of Citizens of the Russian Federation, published in the year 2012.

As indicated by the law, each couple (local or International) is allowed to participate in gestational surrogacy in Russia, given that they satisfy the accompanying necessities:

• Only heterosexual couples and single women are allowed to take part in a gestational surrogacy arrangement

• Only gestational surrogacy Russia is allowed in the country and the surrogate mother Russia needs to utilize the eggs from the intended mother or the egg donor for the conception

• The couples or the intended mother needs to introduce a medical proof alongside every reports and evidences to prove their incapability to conceive via natural ways 


Surrogacy Process in Russia

Who all can become a surrogate mother in Russia?

As indicated by section 10 of Article 55 of Russian federation law regarding health protection normative, a surrogate mother needs to:

• Aged between 20 – 35 years with healthy body and mind  

• Already given birth to a child successfully  

• Must have the consent of her partner and family to take part in the surrogacy program

• Must be following a healthy lifestyle and eating regimen without any addiction to Alcohol or smoking

Egg donation in Russia

In each of the situations where the intended mother can't utilize her own eggs (due to certain infertility issues), bringing an egg donor onboard is allowed. The same option, be that as it may, isn't accessible for the situation where a single woman is looking for a child by means of surrogacy.

According to the Russian surrogacy law, just two egg donor profiles are considered legitimate in the country:

- Anonymous Egg donor: The details of the egg donor aren’t disclosed to the intended parents, with certain exceptions where the couples can be shown the photos or character certificates of the egg donor

- Known donors: Both sides here are familiar to each other and it generally applies to gestational surrogacy arrangement between the family members and loves ones

It should be noticed that the majority of the surrogacy agencies in Russia offer Anonymous egg donation programs.

Cost of surrogacy in Russia

Taking into all the above mentioned viewpoints into consideration, the surrogacy cost in Russia would run somewhere in the range of $50,000 and $70,000.The same expense may go higher if you have brought in an egg donor to the surrogacy arrangement or have undergone additional tests and diagnosis during the IVF treatment.

Final word

Regardless of what country you are opting for your surrogacy aspirations, dealing with the best surrogacy agency is highly recommended. This way, you can always avoid any disputes, objections and complications during your surrogacy journey.


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