Why having a Legal Agreement & Hiring a Legal Attorney Are a Pre-Requisite for any Surrogacy Arrangement?

Infertility has come over as a bane for most of the couples around the world and in a matter of only a few years, the overall situation has worsened for them to some great extent. In addition, with IVF coming over as the most feasible solution for all of these couples, the low success rate has always come up as a big concern. This is where Surrogacy has come up as a perfect solution for all of these couples in recent times

With the help of surrogacy, all of these couples can realize their parenthood dreams while simply writing off their infertility issues from the picture. Still, surrogacy in Russia is a detailed process and before you start over, you must look through all the relevant aspects within the process. Speaking of the process, Legal agreement and all the co-related processes plays a vital role in the overall outcome of the surrogacy arrangement.

Surrogacy in Russia

Understanding the Legal Agreement

A legal agreement comes into picture once the Intended Parents and the surrogate mother agrees to carry the child in her womb until its birth. In addition, the Intended parents are required to remunerate the surrogate mother in monetary or non-monetary forms and this is also required to be mentioned within the legal agreement. Likewise, the legal agreement would incorporate all the significant parts of the surrogacy arrangement like the term of the agreement, Dos and Don'ts for the Intended Parents and the surrogate, etc.

Dealing with a Legal Attorney

When you decide upon bringing a legal agreement into consideration, you also need to bring in a legal attorney for the same process. Not just this attorney would help you in getting the agreement drawn between both the parties, But will also help the Intended parents to tackle any legal formalities regarding the custody of the child in due course of the surrogacy agreement. 

Surrogacy in Mexico

Handling the Disputes

There may be a chance that either of the surrogate mother in Russia or the intended parents might switch from their words of agreement later in the surrogacy arrangement. To deal with all such issues and disputes, a legal attorney is required and he or she is someone who can readily sort out any such legal complications without any hassles. There have been few cases where the surrogate mother has denied offering the child’s custody or the intended parents have refused to take the custody of the child. That is where a legal attorney rightly solves the disputes under the area of the legal guidelines of that state or country.


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